We teachers are always in need of MULTI TASKING. Without mastering the skills, it will certainly lead to our death (per say) as we are unable to keep track with those choking datelines. As such, I propose the 3 steps in MULTI TASKING, it wont make you a multi tasker but at least you'll have a good start to be an octopus;

First & foremost is for you to know what is the 3 steps. It is what I called C-O-P + Actions. What the hell is it? Well, read on.
C stands for CLEAN
O stands for ORGANIZE
P stands for PRIORITIZE
+ stands for PROCEED
Actions stands for Actions

As simple as it is, you need to make sure your head/desk/workplace/rooms/bed/any place that you usually do your work is cluster free. Rearrange it if needed (FYI, researchers said that a rearrange room at least once a month will increase your motivations). Keep it clean, nice and tidy. No one wants to work in a mess. Even if you are so skilled or talented, a mess up desk will surely decreased your efficiency.

Now you have a cleaner head/desk/workplace/rooms/bed/any place that you usually do your work being set nice and tight, we go to the next step. Sit down at your cleaned desk and list down your task. It's okay for you to sit and waste some time planning here rather than wasting time doing multiple unorganized tasks. So separate the task, eg. workplace / subjects / classroom task / extra duties / submission date lines etc. or personal / buying stuffs / jogging / shaving etc. Separate the task so you can see clearly of each, eg. if you are a subject teacher of English, list down tasks related under it, then a list of task related to Classroom (if you are the class teacher) etc.

Now you have a list of task list / check list what need to be done. Listing it all is not enough, now you need to select which is more important / urgent. Number it from 1 - 10. Any task that falls to 11 and beyond, leave it be. Now we have now what to do from our task listing, which is the task that we need to put more effort / focus on.

Even the best laid out plans to conquer the world wont be happening if you ain't gonna take actions for it success. Proceed as planned with proper actions. Keep the focus and aim for the completion of the tasks.

P/s: For best effect, always do COP+Act once a week, on Sunday so that you'll be prepared on Monday.