5 style in classroom discipline

Student's running all around the class, chatting, making noise, playing throwing-air-planes-and-rubber-bullet is making a nerve in all teachers. This is what we need to face in a daily basis (except during school holidays). Here some ways that you can follow, the simple style in classroom discipline;

1. The Pillow
You are plain soft, lenient, act-like-you-don't-care type where you believe that motivations, a long preach and 30 minutes of nagging will change the students.

2. The Regulators
You believes in enforcing the protocols, the school rules by the books, follow the black-and-white on paper written rules. You believes that regulating the rules and regulations will solve it all.

3. The Reporter
Though you didn't act on the spot of misconduct, but you believes they (those mischievous) need to be punished. Thus, you do records of their wrong-doings and then submit it to the discipline teacher. This is a much better approach if you drove a 50K car and park it in the school compound and want's to keep it scratch free.

4. The Commander
You believe that students need to be living in an army camp so that they'll became more civilized. So you enforce those hard core military commandment or the 'steel nail' concepts by the Nutzi's. It sure works when you have them stands or march the field for just not bringing their books.

5. The Immediate Reinforcement
We learn this by theories during our studies of becoming a teacher. It is yet the most effective and much-much-much-hard-core in comparison with the Commander type. If they forgot their books, immediately beat 'em with a ruler (anything goes actually), or making noise, or disrupting the class, or what-so-ever that you feel not right for you. Immediate reinforcements, immediately means immeadiately-lah.